Checked exceptions and Java Callables

Java supports checked exceptions. Many people have strong opinions about if they are good or bad. I believe they are good, but let's agree that Java has them and they're not going away.

(Any exception extending "Exception", which can to be thrown from a method, must be declared at the end of method's signature, and any caller of the method must handle the exception or itself declare to throw that type of exception; Any exception extending "RuntimeException" need not be declared on method signatures. A programmer is free to choose which superclass to extend when designing their own exceptions.)

There are two ways of dealing with tasks which should be run in the future, both of which are very inelegant w.r.t. checked exception handling.

(In addition, the difference between these two interfaces is solely the way they deal with exceptions. But you wouldn't know that, or know which interface uses which strategy, by looking at their name!)

What one would need would be to extend the generics system to deal with exceptions. For example:

interface Callable<V,E> {
    V call() throws E;

class MyException extends Exception { .. }

class MyCallable implements Callable<MyObject, MyException> {
    MyObject call() throws MyException {
        throw new MyException(); // ok to throw, signature declares it

void usingCallable(MyCallable e) {; // error: must catch MyException

The generic parameter "E" would have to be a list of exception classes as opposed to just one class.

Update: I was surprised to find out that using generic parameters for checked exceptions is basically supported! However it still isn't very useful, as:

P.S. I recently created a nerdy privacy-respecting tool called When Will I Run Out Of Money? It's available for free if you want to check it out.

This article is © Adrian Smith.
It was originally published on 19 Aug 2010
More on: Java